
Tracking the Right Metrics: Accounting for Startup Growth

Growth HubStartup Accounting

Tracking accounting metrics is crucial for startups, and NetSuite’s financial reporting and analytics features can help startups gain real-time insights into these metrics, enabling them to make informed decisions and take action quickly.

In the following, we’ll explore the most important accounting metrics for startups to track and how NetSuite can help.

As a startup founder or small business owner, keeping a close eye on your financial metrics is crucial to your success. Accurate tracking of your company’s financial health allows you to make informed decisions, identify areas of improvement, and maintain a sustainable cash flow. In this blog post, we’ll take a deep dive into the most important accounting metrics for startups to track, including burn rate, cash runway, and customer acquisition cost. We’ll also discuss how NetSuite’s financial reporting and analytics features can help startups gain real-time insights into these metrics, enabling them to make informed decisions and take action quickly.

Why track metrics?

Tracking accounting metrics is essential for startups for several reasons. First, startups typically have limited resources, making it crucial to carefully monitor cash flow and ensure that they have a solid financial foundation. Second, tracking financial metrics allows startups to identify trends and patterns that can help them make more informed business decisions. By monitoring metrics such as burn rate, cash runway, and customer acquisition cost, startups can identify areas of the business that may require adjustments or improvements.

Crucial startup accounting metrics to track

Of the various accounting metrics that startups should track, burn rate, cash runway, and customer acquisition cost are among the most important. Burn rate measures the rate at which a company is spending its cash reserves, providing insights into the financial sustainability of the business. Cash runway measures the amount of time a company can operate with its current cash balance, assuming no additional funding or revenue is obtained. Customer acquisition cost, on the other hand, measures the cost of acquiring a new customer, enabling startups to understand the effectiveness of their marketing and sales strategies.

How can NetSuite help provide real-time insights?

NetSuite’s financial reporting and analytics features can help startups gain real-time insights into these crucial metrics. With its cloud-based ERP system, startups can automate financial processes, streamline reporting, and gain access to real-time financial data. NetSuite’s reporting and analytics features also allow startups to create custom reports and dashboards, providing a comprehensive view of their financial health. By using NetSuite, startups can make informed decisions quickly and stay ahead of the competition.

Burn Rate: A Critical Metric for Startups

One of the most important accounting metrics for startups to track is burn rate. Burn rate measures the rate at which a company is spending its cash reserves and is a crucial metric for startups to monitor as it provides insights into the financial sustainability of the business.

What is burn rate and why is it important for startups to track?

Burn rate is the rate at which a company is burning through its cash reserves. In other words, it measures how quickly a startup is spending its available funds. For startups, monitoring burn rate is essential as it can help them determine how long they can operate before running out of cash. By tracking burn rate, startups can identify whether they are spending too much, too little or just the right amount of money to maintain operations.

How can startups calculate their burn rate?

Startups can calculate their burn rate by dividing the amount of money they spend each month by their starting cash balance at the beginning of the month. For example, if a startup spends $100,000 in a given month and has a starting cash balance of $500,000, its burn rate for that month is 20%. Startups can also calculate their burn rate on a weekly or quarterly basis, depending on their cash flow needs.

What are the dangers of having a high burn rate?

Having a high burn rate can be dangerous for startups as it can lead to a cash flow crisis, making it difficult to sustain operations. This is especially true for startups that have not yet established a stable revenue stream. If a startup’s burn rate exceeds its available cash reserves, it may be forced to seek additional funding, which can be difficult to obtain. In some cases, this can lead to a downward spiral, where the startup becomes reliant on external funding to sustain its operations, leading to further dilution of ownership and control.

A high burn rate can also put pressure on startups to make difficult decisions about cost-cutting. This can result in reduced product quality, layoffs, or other measures that could negatively impact the company’s long-term prospects. In some cases, startups may even have to abandon their core strategy and pivot to a different business model to reduce costs and improve their financial position.

Another danger of having a high burn rate is that it can limit a startup’s ability to invest in growth opportunities. Startups that are spending too much money on overhead and operational expenses may not have the resources they need to invest in product development, marketing, or other areas that can help them expand their customer base and generate revenue.

How can NetSuite’s financial reporting and analytics help prevent this?

NetSuite provides real-time visibility into a startup’s financial data, allowing them to monitor their spending and cash flow in real-time. With NetSuite, startups can track their burn rate and identify any areas where they are overspending. This allows them to make informed decisions about how to allocate their resources and prevent a cash flow crisis.

NetSuite offers robust forecasting and planning capabilities, allowing startups to project their cash flow and expenses for months or even years into the future. By forecasting their burn rate with NetSuite, startups can identify when they may be at risk of running out of cash and take action to prevent this. They can adjust their spending and identify opportunities to increase revenue or secure additional funding before it becomes a problem.

NetSuite offers a suite of financial management tools that can help startups optimize their spending and reduce costs. For example, NetSuite’s expense management module can help startups streamline their expense reporting and approval processes, reducing the time and effort required to manage expenses. This can help startups reduce overhead costs and keep their burn rate under control. By leveraging NetSuite’s financial reporting and analytics capabilities, startups can track their burn rate more effectively and ensure the financial sustainability of their business.

Cash Runway: A Critical Metric for Startups

For startups, cash runway is an essential accounting metric because it shows how long they can sustain their operations without needing to raise additional funding.

What is cash runway and why is it important for startups to track?

Cash runway is the amount of time a company can continue to operate before running out of cash, assuming no new cash inflows. Tracking cash runway is crucial because it provides startups with a clear picture of their financial health and helps them plan for the future. If a startup’s cash runway is short, it may be an indication that the company needs to raise additional funding or cut back on expenses to extend its runway. On the other hand, if a startup has a long cash runway, it may have the resources to invest in growth and expansion.

How can startups calculate their cash runway?

To calculate cash runway, startups should consider their current cash balance and their monthly burn rate. The cash balance is the amount of cash a company has on hand, while the burn rate is the rate at which a company is spending cash each month. By dividing the cash balance by the monthly burn rate, a startup can determine how many months they can continue operating before running out of cash.

What are the risks associated with a short cash runway?

For startups, having a short cash runway can be particularly risky because it can lead to a number of problems that could ultimately jeopardize the company’s long-term success.

A short cash runway can hinder a startup’s ability to invest in growth and expansion. Without sufficient funds, startups may be unable to hire new employees, develop new products or services, or expand into new markets. This lack of growth can make it difficult for the company to stay competitive and attract new customers, ultimately limiting its potential for success.

A short cash runway can also make it difficult for startups to weather unexpected expenses or changes in the market. For example, if a key supplier raises their prices or if a major competitor enters the market, a startup with a short cash runway may not have the financial resources to adapt to these changes. This can result in the company being forced to make difficult decisions, such as cutting costs or laying off employees, in order to stay afloat.

A short cash runway can make it challenging for startups to secure additional funding from investors or lenders. Investors are often hesitant to invest in companies with limited cash reserves, as they may see it as a sign of financial instability or poor management. This can make it difficult for startups to raise the capital they need to grow and expand.

How can NetSuite’s financial reporting and analytics features help mitigate these risks?

NetSuite’s financial reporting and analytics features can help startups mitigate the risks associated with a short cash runway by providing real-time insights into the company’s financial position. With NetSuite, startups can closely monitor their cash position, cash inflows and outflows, and projected cash balances. This can help them better forecast their cash flow and identify potential cash shortfalls before they occur.

Additionally, NetSuite can help startups automate their accounts payable and accounts receivable processes, which can reduce the risk of late payments and improve cash flow management. By using NetSuite’s accounts payable and accounts receivable management features, startups can streamline their payment and invoicing processes and ensure that they are paid on time and are paying their bills on time.

NetSuite can also help startups identify areas where they can reduce costs and improve efficiency. The system provides detailed financial reports and analysis that can help startups identify areas of high expenses or inefficiencies and make data-driven decisions to optimize their operations. By reducing costs and improving efficiency, startups can extend their cash runway and improve their financial position.

NetSuite also offers integrated budgeting and planning tools that can help startups create accurate financial projections and track their progress against those projections. By using NetSuite’s budgeting and planning tools, startups can better forecast their cash needs and identify potential shortfalls before they occur. This can help them take proactive steps to extend their cash runway and maintain financial stability.

Customer Acquisition Cost: Measuring the Cost of Growth

As a startup, acquiring new customers is crucial for growth, but it can come at a cost.

What is customer acquisition cost and why is it important for startups to track?

As a startup, acquiring new customers is crucial for growth, but it can come at a cost. Customer acquisition cost (CAC) is a metric that measures the cost of acquiring new customers. It is the total amount of money a company spends on sales and marketing activities divided by the number of new customers acquired during a specific period.

Tracking CAC is critical for startups because it helps them understand how much they are spending to acquire each new customer. This knowledge can help them evaluate their sales and marketing strategies to make sure they are efficient and effective. Without tracking CAC, startups risk overspending on customer acquisition, which can lead to financial strain and even bankruptcy.

How can startups calculate their customer acquisition cost?

Startups can calculate CAC by adding up all the costs associated with acquiring new customers, including salaries, commissions, advertising expenses, and other marketing expenses, and then dividing that total by the number of new customers acquired during a specific period. For example, if a startup spends $100,000 on sales and marketing in a month and acquires 1,000 new customers, then its CAC is $100.

What are the benefits of lowering customer acquisition cost? 

Lowering customer acquisition cost (CAC) can have significant benefits for startups, especially those that are venture-backed and have limited resources. The primary benefit is that it can help improve the startup’s unit economics, which refers to the relationship between the cost to acquire a customer and the lifetime value of that customer. By lowering CAC, startups can increase their lifetime value-to-cost ratio, which is a key metric for investors to evaluate the long-term viability and scalability of a business.

Decreased customer acquisition cost can also have a positive impact on a startup’s overall profitability. As the cost to acquire each customer decreases, the startup can potentially generate more revenue from each customer, leading to higher profit margins. This can be especially important for startups that have yet to achieve profitability or are looking to improve their financial performance. 

Lowering CAC can also increase a startup’s ability to scale more quickly. As the cost to acquire each customer decreases, the startup can allocate more resources towards customer acquisition and marketing efforts. This, in turn, can help the startup acquire more customers and accelerate growth. Reducing CAC can also help a startup become more competitive in their market. By having a lower cost to acquire customers, startups can potentially offer more competitive pricing and promotions, which can attract more customers and help the startup gain market share.

How can NetSuite’s financial reporting and analytics features help optimize this metric?

NetSuite’s financial reporting and analytics features can provide startups with insights into the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns, allowing them to optimize their customer acquisition cost. With real-time access to customer data, startups can identify the most successful channels for acquiring new customers and adjust their strategies accordingly. NetSuite’s dashboard can also provide visibility into the lifetime value of customers, which can help startups determine the appropriate amount to spend on customer acquisition.

NetSuite’s features provide startups with a holistic view of their financial health, which can inform decisions on marketing spend and customer acquisition cost. By tracking the profitability of different customer segments, startups can prioritize their marketing efforts on those that generate the highest return on investment. NetSuite’s forecasting capabilities can also help startups project their future revenue and expenses, allowing them to allocate resources more effectively and adjust their customer acquisition strategies accordingly.

Tracking accounting metrics is crucial for the success of startups. By monitoring key metrics such as burn rate, cash runway, and customer acquisition cost, startup founders and small business owners can make informed decisions that will help them achieve their growth objectives. Burn rate is important because it shows the rate at which a startup is spending its cash reserves. Cash runway is critical because it reveals how much time a startup has before it runs out of cash, giving it the opportunity to adjust its spending and fundraising strategies accordingly. Customer acquisition cost is essential because it helps startups understand how much it costs to acquire a new customer and optimize their marketing and sales strategies accordingly.

NetSuite’s financial reporting and analytics features can provide startups with real-time insights into these critical accounting metrics, helping them make better decisions and optimize their business strategies. NetSuite’s suite of financial reporting tools can help startups gain visibility into their finances and track key metrics, such as cash runway and burn rate, in real-time. Additionally, NetSuite’s powerful analytics features can help startups gain insights into their customer acquisition cost and optimize their marketing and sales strategies to reduce costs and increase revenues.

By leveraging NetSuite’s financial reporting and analytics features, startups can gain a competitive edge and succeed in today’s rapidly evolving business environment. With the right accounting metrics and insights, startups can make informed decisions that will help them achieve their growth objectives and thrive in the long run. So, if you’re a startup founder or small business owner looking to gain a competitive edge, consider NetSuite’s financial reporting and analytics features to optimize your business performance and achieve your goals.